Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator

Let me know if this is you...

You have a business inside of you but you're stuck...

You're overwhelmed...

You have no idea where to begin to start your own business...

Or, you're trying to get it "just right", and no matter how long you work on it, you're realizing it's just never going to be perfect.

Or, like me, you're a procrastinator and you're putting it off until "tomorrow"...

Now, days, weeks, months, and perhaps even years have passed and your business is still not launched.

You watch others around you have success, yet you're still wondering if your day is ever going to come.

If that's you - this will be the most important page you'll read all year...

So be sure to read every word very carefully.

The Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator was created to help Parentpreneurs like you and I quickly launch, validate and monetize their product or service.

I used what I learned with my own businesses to create an online 6-week program that takes you through a step-by-step approach to focus you on the specific actions you REALLY need to take to grow your start-up business, without having to sacrifice that precious time with your family and juggling a billion things at once.

We beta-tested the program (which we teach you how to do) with 8 Parentpreneurs. All of the ones who completed the program got pre-orders for their business (real money from real customers, worth over $6,500 on average). These Parentpreneurs also indicated the program helped them save over $9,400 and 30+ hours on average by having a step-by-step process and not wasting time, energy and money.

This is important! Getting pre-orders proves to the Parentpreneur (and their family!) that there is real demand for the product or service as described, and gives them the traction (and cash) to grow their business.

Most businesses fail (especially in the first few months) simply because they run out of cash.

Our program helps prevent that.

If you are reading this, it's likely this program could help you too...

INTRODUCING... The Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator

From "Idea" to "First Sale" in 6 weeks (or less)

Through the online Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator program, Michael will help you:

  • Design your life in a way that means you spend your time the way you want, with family, keeping fit, working on your passion
  • Find your "Why" so you build a business you care about and that you enjoy... rather than doing it just for the money
  • Define your ideal client so you know exactly who your target Audience is and how to reach them
  • Understand your ideal client's pain points so your business solves a real problem... and can collect real money!
  • Match a solution and business model to your client's needs so you deliver real value while building commercial success
  • Set a price and get pre-orders from real customers so you validate your service before spending too much time, energy or money

Most importantly, you'll end up with a product or service that has a real market, with customers able and willing to hand over money in advance for it!


"Finally I feel I'm making some headway with this and making some progress! Using the approach recommended in the program, I've been able to identify that the target market I originally was going to focus on isn't right for me or my idea. This has saved me months of my life and lots of money!!!"

~ David W.

What's Included:

Through this online mentorship Accelerator program, you'll be taken step-by-step through the 6 stages to getting your first sale.

You can take as long as you want, but it is designed to be completed in 6 weeks.

Each of the 6 stages stages start with a kick-off video, designed to help you understand the key concepts, and take you through an activity to get you up and running.

6 Steps To First Sale

Each week you'll be prompted to complete a series of actions (supported by videos, guides, templates and podcast interviews) to help you implement each stage in turn.

The program focuses on only those things you NEED to understand and do. No fluff, no 'nice to haves' - just the key actions - which is why it's possible to complete the program (if you focus) by working on your business only 6 hours per week for 6 weeks.

In addition to all the step-by-step guidance, you'll receive additional support through a private Facebook group (specifically for people in this program) and weekly live Q&A calls with Michael.

If you need to pause the program (e.g. to have a baby, look after a relative, or take that amazing vacation), you just stop completing activities, and the program emails automatically pause, waiting for your return. (We know that Parentpreneurs have other things they sometimes need to prioritize and attend to!)

You have LIFETIME access to the program - so you can revisit the lessons and activities online whenever you need to.

And once you've validated your offer and made your first few sales, you'll be eligible to join the Parentpreneur Path-to-Profit Accelerator - where we help you really grow the business and create your "semi-retired" life through a strategy I call Audience Hacking.

This Program has been proven to get results

Many other Parentpreneurs (just like you!) have gotten huge value from completing the Launch Accelerator - getting their first real sales from real clients.

As an example, here is June, talking about her experience of previously struggling to build her startup, and the impact the Launch Accelerator had on her getting pre-orders (worth $8,250):

"I feel that I'm finally on the path to where I want to get to."

I love and am extremely passionate about helping other Parentpreneurs... so I wanted to make this a real no-brainer.

So right now, the price is only $1,300 $650 (or 2 payments of $375)

However, I aim for a 100% success rate for my students, which is why, although the program is designed to be a 6-week accelerator, you can remain and I'll continue to work with you until you generate at least $3,250 in revenue - a 5X Return On Investment!!!

I don't know any other program that guarantees a 5X ROI

If you're a parent and you've been bitten by the entrepreneurship bug - you won't find a better, more affordable than this.

Let me ask you...

What would it do for you if you could get your business launched... and launched quickly?

How much is that worth to you?

How much would having your product or service LIVE with clients actually paying you add to your bottom line every year? Would it add $10K/year? $30K? Perhaps even $100K per year?

How much would that change your life?

What kind of impact would that have on your family?

Makes the small investment almost seem laughable, doesn't it?

Click the button below and let's go.

If you have a passion for building a highly profitable business without sacrificing time with your family, then join the Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator today!

(If you have any questions about the Launch Accelerator program, please use the chat widget or email us at

Not sure if this is for you?

If you'd prefer to 'go it alone' or expect to create a 'billion dollar company', the Launch Accelerator is not for you.

If you already have paying clients for a scalable service at a price that provides you with a great profit, then this program is not for you (although you should check out the Parentpreneur Path-to-Profit Accelerator to really build that 'semi-retired' life).

However, if you want help to:

  • Identify whether your startup idea can be successful (or whether you need to change the idea a bit first)...
  • Design a startup that lets you spend more time with the people you love (rather than being stuck in a low-paid, under-appreciated job)...
  • Make time for fitness and family while you build your business...
  • Build a business that makes a positive impact on peoples' lives and you can be proud of...
  • Identify a product or service that clients are willing to pay enough to give your business a profit (allowing you to grow!)...

...then the Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator is the perfect program for you!

Don't have an idea for a business?

No problem! That's almost better - you won't be constrained in your thinking, and instead will be more open to what your ideal Audience REALLY wants.

I promise the program will help you identify a range of ideas you could go with, and pick the one that's most likely to be successful while also being a good fit for you.

(and if you don't want to sell your own product or service, we have solutions for that as well!)

Worried about the amount of time it'll take?

Don't be! You might think you don't have time for the Parentpreneur Launch Accelerator... but don't fall into this trap!

We've found that as long as you can make 6 hours of your time available per week, you'll be fine.

(and I think we can all find 6 hours a week to build the life of our dreams)

Without help, you are likely to spend 6-12 months (or more!) working towards making that first sale, with a low chance of success (and a high likelihood of having to get or keep a job instead).

Whereas people who joined this program said that, on average, they saved...

  • 10 1/2 months of time they would have spent working on getting that first sale
  • 21 1/2 hours PER WEEK more with their family than before
  • $7,500 they would have otherwise wasted on advertising or developing the wrong product or service

Still not sure? Hear what other Parentpreneurs have said about the program...

Helen Testimonial

"This program has been absolutely fantastic! I've moved forward more in just the 6 weeks of the program than I've done in the last 2 years. I've gone from severely lacking confidence & not feeling like I had an idea that could become a business, to Skyping people from all over the world & knowing that I have the tools & support necessary to create a successful business which I love & allows me to live my 'perfect week' with my family."

~ Helen N.

Sophie Testimonial

"10/10 - a really structured approach. The perfect week exercise was really useful to visualize what I want to happen and make it more likely to happen. The mission exercise was great for establishing emotional connection to me to what I do and to others. Was totally missing before and I was struggling to find it. The exercises have really helped me find a tangible connection. Love the Q&A calls. Massively valuable. The iteration has been great - I've totally reshaped my mission multiple times and now I'm implementing my mission EVERYWHERE. The podcasts and activities also helped me find trends I hadn't seen before."

~ Sophie E.

Rashmi Testimonial

"10/10 - it is a brilliant process... it really made me think hard about each and every feature in my mini-pitch and how it satisfies my ideal customer's must-have requirements. Perhaps the biggest impact has been on my personal life. I set up my perfect week as part of week 1 (within 3 weeks of giving birth to Anaya) and I'm now managing to get close to living it! I now spend quality time with my family. No more working crazy hours on low-priority feel-good box-ticking work. Previously, I often worked at midnight and 1 am, with arguments with my husband as a result. Now I work fewer hours but on high-priority items. It's amazing! I highly recommend the program and stress the importance of following the process faithfully - despite the temptation to skip a step or two!"

~ Rashmi S.

You can relax, we guarantee you'll be happy...

If you finish the program and don't end up with any pre-orders for a product or service that will enable you to build the business of your dreams - let me know and I will personally work with you one-on-one until you do.

(this is because we are the only accelerator in the world that aims for 100% success rate for its students! Most programs are happy if just one startup makes it.)


I care passionately about helping Parentpreneurs succeed.

I've seen far too many failed Parentpreneurs going back to their jobs, or worse... damaging their health or relationships in the pursuit of success.

You can have the life and business of your dreams.

And I can help get you there.

(If you have any questions about the Launch Accelerator program, please use the chat widget or email us at

Free Help Here! 👏


Access a FREE training video and checklist on the 6 steps to help you get started and get your first paying customers!


Join our free Parentpreneur Accelerator Community to receive free training and resources and share challenges, experiences, and tips with other Parentpreneurs.


Listen to the Parentpreneur Accelerator Podcast to learn from successful (and early stage) Parentpreneurs.


Read blog articles about the most common traps for Parentpreneurs and how to increase your chances of success!


Discover the FREE software we recommend using to launch and grow your business.


We are an impact driven company on a mission to help Parentpreneurs launch and grow successful online businesses and create Income, Impact and Independence.


Attn: Michael Kittinger

2534 Rocky Ridge Road

Birmingham, AL 35243


We are an impact driven company on a mission to help Parentpreneurs launch and grow successful online businesses and create Income, Impact and Independence.


Attn: Michael Kittinger

2534 Rocky Ridge Road

Birmingham, AL 35243

© 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Legal

Michael Kittinger can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies.

Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or finances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.

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